Marketing isn’t about using just one medium. It’s about getting and keeping customers. Yes, internet marketing can help you do that, but only if you use it in conjunction with other tactical tools. In addition, many potential customers are extremely cautious about placing important business or buying an expensive item from an unknown online vendor. That’s one of the reasons why, in order to succeed, every company must have brochures and other forms of printed sales literature to hand out or mail to customers and prospects. Brochures give your business “credibility.” People want printed material to take home and read at their leisure. Yes, you can direct them to your web site, but a brochure adds a personal touch, tells your prospect what the product or service can do for them and why they should buy from you. Brochures also support other advertising, direct mail, online promotions, and can be used as a sales tool by distributors. In short, a good brochure sells.
If you need brochures in a rush, our digital printing service can deliver your finished pieces in vibrant color in 24 hours. Contact Spectrum today to inquire about our design and printing services and let our team put together a print piece that is sure to impress and inform your customers. A Brochure is part of your business identity. A well-designed brochure that’s professionally printed can be worth a great deal more than its cost. Speaking with Spectrum when it comes time to print your brochure will save you considerable time and aggravation.
Sell sheets, (also known as flyers or sales sheets) are informative, one-page marketing tools that showcase a product or service. Direct and to the point, sell sheets are designed to convey information and make a positive impression quickly. Appropriate for mailers, folder inserts, or trade show materials, sell sheets also make a great leave-behind for sales calls. When used as an insert in media kits or brochure folders, sell sheets are an efficient and cost-effective way to keep your product information fresh and up-to-date. Sell sheets are generally 8 1/2” x 11” and single or double-sided, and can be printed in black and white or in full 4-color process.

Brochure Tip 1: Know Your Print Size
One of the most common errors made by those who create their own brochures, but one of the most challenging to correct, is an incorrect setup size for the brochure. All too often, a print layout has to be returned to the customer because it wasn’t setup for the proper output size. Don’t use an 8.5 x 11 layout and submit it for printing on 8×10 paper. When you have to stretch or shrink a brochure layout to fit the paper, the quality of the print resolution may be compromised.
Brochure Tip 2: Allow for Bleed
What is print bleed? Think of it as an insurance policy to make your final printed brochure look its best. Brochures are printed together in sheets, and then sliced into single units. The blade that cuts out each brochure is precise, but when cutting thousands of pieces, it can fluctuate slightly over the course of the order. By expanding your brochure design slightly beyond the established page borders, when we cut each page you’ll have solid ink coverage from edge to edge. This is imperative if you have a photo, color, or pattern that needs to be displayed to the extreme edge of your brochure layout. Designing your brochure with an extra 1/8th inch of coverage beyond each edge is recommended.
Brochure Tip 3: Resolution is Key
Using high-resolution images in yourlayout is a critical step toward creating a professional looking final brochure. If you submit something for print that isn’t the proper resolution, your images will come out ‘soft’, blurry, or even pixilated. The images you see on your computer monitor are only 72 dpi (dots-per-inch), which is fine for viewing on a monitor, but very inadequate for a professional-looking printed brochure. Your images should be at least 300 dpi to print clearly with full sharpness. There are a variety of stock image sites on the web where you can obtain inexpensive, high-resolution, royalty-free images to use in your brochure designs.
Brochure Tip 4: Select the Correct Paper
Most brochures are printed on an 80lb or 100lb stock paper, with a variety of gloss / matte finishes. It’s really your choice in the end, but a 100lb stock is surprisingly more substantial than 80lb stock paper without a huge cost difference. Using a heavier paper may convince a potential customer that you are more professional than your competitors. Adding varnish will add an appealing gloss to your brochure, but if you have a lot of ink coverage your brochure will appear glossy anyway. However, if you use too many dark colors in your brochure design, using a varnish will prevent fingerprint smudges on your brochure.
Brochure Tip 5: Be Original and Creative
Carefully consider what you want to say with your brochure. What information are you trying to convey? You can start by looking at your competitors to see what approach they’re taking in their advertising materials. Have they provided all of the necessary contact information? What makes other brochure designs leap out at you? Remember, the fronts of your brochures are all many people will see, so make sure the front of your brochure is appealing and makes prospective Contact Spectrum today to inquire about brochure design and let our experienced team design an attractive and compelling piece that will make your business stand out from the crowd.